SEO & UFOs: Search Engine Mysteries and Alien Algorithms
SEO and UFOs, where search engine optimization techniques blend with the alien concepts often as elusive as a UFO sighting. Let’s explore the nebulous territories of SEO, we'll contrast the grounded strategies with the often misunderstood and very familiar techniques agencies use. From tried-and-true SEO methods to the often disputed, hard-to-believe tactics, join us on a journey to decode what's proven, what's myth, and what's yet to be discovered in the digital realm.
2 episodes
The Biggest SEO Mistake
In this week's episode, we're uncovering the single most pervasive mistake both business owners and seasoned SEO agencies make when launching and maintaining an SEO campaign. It's not what you're thinking, and chances are, you're doing it too. ...
Season 1
Episode 2